Vivo V29e is all set to make its India debut on August 28. The Chinese smartphone brand tweeted about the arrival of the new V-series smartphone in the country on Friday. The Vivo V29e is confirmed to go on sale via Flipkart. The handset is teased to come with a 64-megapixel rear camera sensor with support for optical image stabilisation (OIS). It appears to have a curved display with a centrally aligned hole-punch cutout. The Vivo V29e could run on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400-series chipset.
The new Vivo V29e will be launched in India on August 28, as per a teaser poster shared by the company on X (formerly Twitter). The launch event will begin at 12:00pm IST. The brand has also started sending media invites for the launch. The smartphone is confirmed to go on sale through Flipkart.
Vivo has posted renders of the handset on the microblogging platform, revealing its design. Company’s India website also carries a microsite that suggests its specifications. The Vivo V29e is shown to have a curved display and a centrally-aligned hole-punch cutout on the screen for housing the selfie camera. The handset is claimed to be the slimmest phone with a 3D curved screen in the Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 30,000 price range.
The Vivo V29e is shown to have a dual rear camera setup, led by a 64-megapixel primary sensor with support for OIS. For selfies and video chats, it is teased to sport a 50-megapixel front camera. The phone is confirmed to be offered in Artistic Red and Artistic Blue colour options with a colour-changing rear glass panel. However, the colour-changing technology will be exclusive to the Artistic Red variant. It is teased to come with a 7.57mm thin profile and 180.5 grams weight.
As per a previous leak, Vivo V29e will be offered in 8GB RAM + 128GB storage and 8GB RAM + 256GB storage configurations. It could ship with Android 13-based FunTouchOS 13. A Snapdragon 480 5G SoC or the Snapdragon 480+ 5G SoC is expected to fuel the device. The phone is tipped to house a 4,600mAh battery with support for 80W charging.
The Vivo V29e could be unveiled as a close sibling to the Vivo V29 Lite 5G that was launched in the Czech Republic in June this year.
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