Oppo Watch 4 Pro was recently launched in China, alongside Oppo Find N3 Flip. The company could now launch another watch, reportedly an Oppo Watch 4 with a round dial. The smartwatch could also debut as a OnePlus smartwatch for global markets. The wearable’s specifications and model number have been recently leaked online, revealing the key details. In China, the smartwatch could get the model number OWW231 for the OPPO Watch 4. Meanwhile, the global variant and OnePlus-branded variants are said to get the model numbers OWWE231 and OPWWE231, respectively.
Tipster MlgmXyysd (@realMlgmXyysd) has shared a series of posts a few days back, suggesting a new smartwatch in making. He mentioned it to be an OPlus (OPPO/OnePlus) Watch 4 Round, which means that the smartwatch would launch as an Oppo Watch 4 round for China and global variants, and could also get an OnePlus-branded global variant.
Regarding the specifications, the smartwatch is said to be codenamed as ‘star’. The dial screen of the purported device, the Oppo Watch 4, is shown to be round in shape, while it could get two colour variants: Black and White. The smartwatch is rumoured to be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 chipset, alongside the BES 2700 co-processor.
The Chinese variant could run on ColorOS for Watch 6.0 based on Android 11 Go out-of-the-box. Meanwhile, the global variant could ship with the latest WearOS. Oppo/ OnePlus Watch 4 Round is mentioned to feature an AMOLED display with a 466 x 466 pixels resolution.
Arch: 32-Bit (armeabi-v7a, armeabi)
System: ColorOS for Watch 6.0 / Android 11 Go (Red Velvet Cake, RKQ1.211102.001, SDK 30)
DRM Level: Widevine L3
System Type: Non-A/B, Dynamic Partition, System-as-root
Other Variant: OPWWE231 (Maybe OnePlus Export), OWWE231 (Maybe Export) pic.twitter.com/43OSWWJP9k— MlgmXyysd🐱💕 (@realMlgmXyysd) September 14, 2023
Some of the expected features of the smartwatch are ECG tracker, fist clench gestures, eSIM support, blood oxygen monitor, barometer, stress control, sleep tracker, and sports and health support. However, Oppo has not revealed any information regarding the launch of the Oppo Watch 4 yet.
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