OnePlus Buds Pro 2 TWS earphones were launched in India in February this year at the company’s Cloud 11 event. The Chinese electronics company is now said to be working on OnePlus Buds 3, and the renders of the purported earphones have leaked online. They suggest the specifications of the audio wearable, and also hint at their design. To recall, the OnePlus Buds Pro 2 earphones debuted alongside OnePlus 11. The earphones are priced at Rs. 11,999 in India and available for purchase in Arbor Green and Obsidian Black colour options.
In a recent report, MySmartPrice (in collaboration with OnLeaks) leaked the renders of the OnePlus Buds 3, that are based on the testing stage phase. The earphones are shown to carry a similar design as the Buds Pro 2, but with a metallic finish.
The upcoming earphones are said to offer 48dB Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) support. They can be connected using Bluetooth 5.3 or Google Fast pair, according to the report. The OnePlus Buds 3 are also said to get dual connection support. With an IP55 rating, the earbuds are expected to get water and dust resistance, while the charging case is said to get an IPX4 rating.
In terms of battery, the earbuds are tipped to pack a 58mAh battery each, while the charging case is said to be backed by a 520mAh battery. They could offer up to 9 hours of battery life on each earbud, same as Buds Pro 2, with ANC turned off. Meanwhile, the earphones are tipped to provide up to 33 hours of battery life with the case. On the other hand, with ANC turned on, the OnePlus Buds 3 are said to offer up to 6 hours of battery life on earphones and up to 22 hours with the case.
The company has not revealed any details about the OnePlus Buds 3 yet. However, as per a previous report, the Buds 3 could make a debut in January 2024, alongside the OnePlus 12. The earphones are expected to be lighter in weight as compared to the Buds Pro 2.
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